Thursday, February 17, 2011

It must be done.

I'm gonna have to fall out of the loop for a few days. Funny, I was already feeling out of the loop. With all the planning for the new bathroom, regional tournaments all week for my daughters basketball team, and attempting to do my taxes, I haven't been able to keep up with much at all. At least I've had some privacy. For some reason, the family seems to evade me the minute I mention taxes. Turns out that I've been unknowingly calling the government all those names out loud. My daughter's even asked how to spell a few of them. But I'm at a loss. They're not real words, only the combination of half rants. And who knew that I could be capable of not finishing so many sentences. On a good note, I think I've mastered exhaling. By the time I get to open my WIP, I may even be able to be my own beta reader. The thing will look like someone else wrote it and the characters will be brand new to even me. That might not be a bad thing.

Happy weekend people. Think of me. I'll be painting the bathroom. WooHoo.


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