Thursday, October 28, 2010

Away For the Day!

Tomorrow I will be out of town. It's the much anticipated trip to the oral surgeon's office so that my daughter can have her wisdom teeth cut out. She's had quite the imagination this afternoon. I'm a little inspired by her level of creativity. She feels that we should donate this surgery to some other teenager who is unfortunate and in need. When that didn't work, she seems to have contracted a sudden cold and may be too sick to travel. What if her nose is stopped up and she loses too much oxygen and has brain damage because the nurses didn't know her nose was stopped up? Then there is the fear of dehydration, after all, she cannot consume a Coke for the next 12 hours and humans are not able to function, apparently, without it. I did not know this, so as you can imagine, I'm now fearful of her possibly shriveling into a giant prune by tomorrow morning. So, keep your fingers crossed that all goes well and I will be back tomorrow night to catch up on all of your amazing blogs. I wouldn't want to miss anything. Oh-and lets hope there is not a shortage of Coke and potato soup for the wee one when this whole thing is over with. Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. I love it. Kids never fail to come up with some of the most comical, yet genuine what if's there are humanly possible.

    Best wishes and I hope she has a speedy recovery.

  2. LOL! I wish you (and your daughter) a safe trip and a speedy (normal) recovery!

  3. The thoughts and prayers of your readership go with her as she heads into the dark shadow of twelve hours without Coke!

  4. sounds like you have another creative writer in your household. she can spin a story like nobody's business!

  5. Getting your wisdom teeth out is painful. I had to get all four removed. They were at my jawline still and they had to dig in to cut them out. Seriously painful stuff when the anesthesia wore off. I hope your daughter is doing okay.

    She is creative though! I love it!

  6. Hey everyone! Thanks so much for the best wishes. The surgery went great and she has done remarkably well. Although she is resembling a chipmunk whose been in a bar fight right now. Amie, you should have heard her in the car on the way home trying to ask for a coke. Her mouth was still numb and filled with gauze. I could hardly drive from laughing so hard. Ah, good times, good times. FYI-blended Fettuccine Alfredo is not half bad.


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