Thursday, December 23, 2010

"The Others"

Sorry for becoming a blog abandon-er! Things are way too busy this time of year but I'm so loving it. I haven't had the opportunity to even open my WIP, but on a good note, the presents are all wrapped and under the tree. My kids are too old to believe in Santa, but the hubby seems to have fallen for the Elf on the Shelf thing. Hey, whatever works. I've asked for a lot of books this year. I'm so excited to see what he came up with. He's usually the best when it comes to surprising me. I spent a little time in Barnes and Noble myself, and of course, being a nerd and all, I talked to quite a few of "our kind". It's so funny how you can spot "the others" a mile away. Ya know, the people who don't read (shudder). I know it's hard to imagine but you've seen them- out there just trying to blend in with the general reading population, but it never works. We can spot them a mile away. They're usually the ones perusing the store, totally lost, and silently waiting to pick up whatever you just checked out because the last book they read was actually the cliffs notes for The Catcher in the Rye for that eighth grade English assignment. Hello! Not fooling anybody! So, in general conversation, I discover that most of them just pick up whatever looks good. They don't even read the back. Omigod! THEY DON'T EVEN READ THE BACK! I nearly smacked someone! Not really the Christmassy thing to do people. Then I got to thinking about my own choices when picking out a book. Sure, my choices may be based on some stellar book review from one of my fav bloggers, or a Goodreads BFFs suggestion, or the blurb on the back of a book, but cover plays a big part too. One out of four doesn't make "the others" totally wrong. Does it? So, it got me wondering. What makes you pick up a book at random? On another note, I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating this holiday season. Enjoy your friends and family, drink much, laugh much, and love lots. We'll write later. I'll be stopping by your blogs as I can so bare with me. Merry Christmas everyone and be safe!


  1. HA! I can't NOT read the back. It's like buying pants without trying them on. Weird...I'll have to keep a better eye out for those kinds of people next time I'm in the book store!

    Recommendations, awesome premise, good reviews, the bloggisphere blowing up with a book, things like that get me to pick it up. Or a beautiful cover. Can't say the lovely covers don't pull me in(but then I read the frikkin back...)

    Merry Christmas TC!!

  2. Merry Christmas, Tammy!

  3. The Barnes & Noble i usually go to is one of the entrances to the mall, so I'm always noticing how some people (obviously just going into the mall) pretend to check out books. It's so sad sometimes. But I'm not sure I would've been able to have kept from smacking them; the back is the key to the book!
    Merry Christmas, TC! Hope you have a great one. :)


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